You may not be aware of it, but your body has a tremendous capacity to heal you.
From anything.
So why doesn’t it?
Because you’re out of balance!
Once you’re back in natural balance, true natural healing is possible.
So what does out of balance mean, and how do you put yourself back into balance?
You only have to look as far as nature to see what natural balance is. Living the stressful life that is the mainstay of modern day human existence is probably the main contributing factor for your lack of balance.
I’m not necessarily promoting the idea that you give up your job and live in the bush. You can do anything and remain in natural balance.
It’s how you handle things that shows up your balance, or lack of.
Most people don’t handle things very well. You might get angry or defensive when someone criticises you. You don’t take enough ‘you’ time, time to relax or reflect. You may not be eating well. You may be partying and drinking too much.
Natural healing can only come about when you consider you as an entire entity. Your thoughts, your physical challenges, your feelings are all connected. If you have been taken physically ill, it’s more than likely because you didn’t listen to your inner self, which was telling you to slow down, or get another job, or get out of your current relationship.
When you don’t listen, something takes over and MAKES you listen. A spell in hospital may be the only way you will reflect on your life. That doesn’t sound very much like natural healing, I hear you say. And no it isn’t. But if the time and experience there makes you take stock and turn your life around, then it has been beneficial.
Natural healing can’t come about if you’re putting garbage food into your body on a regular basis.
Garbage in, garbage out.
Healthy food, natural supplements regular light exercise, lots of time to relax, listening to your inner voice for major, and minor, life decisions are the best ways to allow your body to get into the natural healing mode it knows so well and does so efficiently.
It’s doubtful there is a human alive who doesn’t have some issues or life experience that is holding them back, keeping them in a rut or preventing them from moving forward in the way they really want to.
This is because these issues haven’t been properly resolved. You may think you’ve got over the death of your whoever, or the abuse you suffered as a child. But if you either don’t want to think/talk about it or cry or feel emotional when you do, you know you haven’t resolved it.
And you can’t move forward until you do. Once you have truly resolved it, your body’s innate natural healing powers come into their own, and away you go.
One of the best ways, if not the best way, of helping you resolve these deep issues is homeopathy. Homeopathy has the unique capacity to quickly put you back into balance, so your natural healing powers can once more resume their efficient task.
You can tell what problems are upper most in your life, by the physical ails you succumb to.
The liver is where anger is stored. Ever heard of the phrase ‘he’s a bit liverish today’, meaning he’s angry. So if you’re regularly angry or irritable, it’s likely your liver is struggling. It may not show up on a blood test. Yet. But it will, if you don’t take steps to resolve it.
The kidneys are where fear is stored. Are you getting lots of urinary tract infections? Check out what you’re fearful of. That can be a bit challenging on your own, and you may need the help of a therapist, such as a homoeopath.
The lungs are the seat of grief. Displaced people/immigrants often succumb to tuberculosis. TB is all about the lungs. Displaced people are often fleeing from their country out of necessity rather than choice, leaving their family behind.
So if you want to have a magical life, one where things just keep going right, feed your body well, respect it, listen to it, make sure you have daily relaxation and get professional help with your deep seated problems.
Balance your yin (female) and yang (male) energy.
Healing you does more to heal the world than anything else.
Welcome to the world of homeopathy! Homeopathy is probably the deepest, most effective, alternative medicine modality. But alternative medicine isn't just about choosing a particular modality. It's a complete package including a good diet. Alternative medicine also looks at other natural benefits - such as laughter - which can cure any health issue. And it's good to be aware of any dangers of medical drugs.