Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fear Paralyses, Mocking Your Individual Spirit

It is only fear in the minds of people that keeps an oppressive regime in place (look at what’s happening in northern African countries at the moment). It is only fear in the minds of people that make them easy prey to doing as they are told (by big corporations, government and other organisations). Even they are fearful of what a fearless society will do.

By instilling fear in the minds of people, you can control them. You can manipulate frightened people easily.

When enough people are frightened, group consciousness becomes very powerful, allowing for an escalating tide of events that are ever more frightening.

Fear is normally suppressed, as it isn’t “cool” to show your fear publicly. Children are not encouraged to express their fears, but to push them away, to ignore them, to think of something else.

But fear is a natural and essential emotion to acknowledge , deal with, then move on. Instinctively, it protects you from danger. It still does, just a different sort of danger from being eaten by the proverbial lion.

Perhaps many questionable, cruel and inhumane acts stem from fear - fear of not being with the ‘in’ crowd, fear of not being accepted by your peers or parents. Fear paralyses independent thought and action. Fear allows for the unspeakable to occur.

When you suppress your fear, it shows up in your actions, in what you do. It will ultimately show up in your body, too. You’ll get signs of stress, such as permanently elevated blood pressure.

On the other hand, when you rise up above your fears, when you “feel the fear, but do it anyway”, you find a strength that you never knew existed. The energy of fear can be transformed into a more powerful, exciting, even liberating force instantly.

The only thing to fear is fear itself. When you can move through the fear, it’s laughable how you felt. Looking back, it was nothing.

That’s all very well in theory. Putting it into practice is quite another matter. Adults tend to live life through a very well worn rut. It’s hard to get out of habits especially those that were set up in childhood.

But ultimately, physical pathology develops. Pathology can only develop when you are out of step with your inner wisdom.

Enter homeopathy.

Appropriate homeopathic treatment deals with all the core issues that prevent you from leading a full, independent and liberating existence. All the complicated emotional issues that made you the person you think you are. Including fear.

But you are more than this person. You can free yourself from the straight jacket of manipulated fear.

Perhaps never before has the world needed the combined efforts of people who can rise above their fears.

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