There are a variety of natural home remedies that you can safely use yourself, without knowing very much. There are some herbs (although many need more in depth information), there’s flower essences, there’s aromatherapy, there’s good nutrition, there’s kitchen home remedies and then there’s homeopathy.
Perhaps, out of all of them, homeopathy has the potential for doing the most good. All of the commonly available homeopathic remedies have a wide scope of use. For instance, the homeopathic remedy Arnica, the king of injury remedies can resolve the following conditions:
- any ailment which stems from an injury, however far back including concussion, surgery, dental extractions, sprains, strains
- jet lag
- shift work fatigue
- labour
- arthritis, rheumatism
- sepsis, infections
- colds, flus
- skin eruptions
- malaria
- whooping cough
- pneumonia
- gout
- meningitis
Whilst I’m not proposing that you, as a home prescriber, attempt to treat such serious ailments as meningitis or pneumonia, I am suggesting that, with a bit of knowledge and a sharp eye, you have the potential of nipping these conditions in the bud.
Using natural home remedies does mean that you have to be a bt of a detective. You need to notice things about you or the family member you’re trying to help. For instance, you need to know their normal habits and traits, so you know when they have deviated from them. Someone who needs the homeopathic remedy Arnica is often averse to the approach of others. It’s logical when you look at it. As Arnica is the king of injury remedies, those needing it have been hurt. If they’ve been hurt once, the approach of someone may raise fears that you may further hurt them.
This isn’t a normal behaviour. So if your dog is suddenly apprehensive of your approach, he may have been injured.
I remember hearing of someone who had suffered severe gastritis for years. He’d been to see doctor after doctor, to no avail. Finally, he saw a homeopath. Homeopaths always ask about what happened to cause the problem. This was easy - a kick in the stomach from a donkey. Arnica was prescribed, and the gastritis disappeared completely.
Now if that had happened to you, with your homeopathic kit of natural home remedies, you could have prevented something like that from developing.
Lets dip into the mix and see what other examples of natural home remedies there are. Tomatoes are a popular food and can be easily grown in many climates. Tomatoes are full of a nutrient called lycopine. Lycopine is a natural sun screen. If you know some basic nutritional knowledge like this, you can eat your sunscreen - a much healthier option than the topical one.
What do you do if you’ve been stung by a plant or insect which packs a punch, and you’re in the middle of nowhere, with help miles and hours away? If you know your natural home remedies well, you’d know that if you urinate on the area, all will be quickly resolved.
Isn’t it fun!