Sunday, March 29, 2009

Homeopathic Remedies - What You Need to Know For Home Prescribing

You’re probably well aware just how wonderful, deep, thorough, gentle, powerful (I could go on) homeopathy is, but did you know that not only can you receive wonderfully effective treatment from a professional homeopath, you can also use homeopathic remedies in the comfort of your own home?

Home prescribing is, naturally, limited to the less complicated ailments. But there’s a tremendous amount you can do at home.

Lets look at what some of the common homeopathic remedies can do, those that you’ll find in most first aid or common ailment kits.

  • pain management - forget analgaesics
  • injury - achieve fast healing with no discomfort
  • fever - cure it naturally, without suppression
  • food poisoning - quickly allays the purging with no side effects
  • burns - treated quickly will ensure blisters and pain don’t develop
  • colds, flus - nip them in the bud or prevent them altogether
  • insect bites or worse - no infection can develop
  • hangovers - never have another one
  • abscess, boils, carbuncles - no need for antibiotics here
  • regular nose bleeds? - not any more!

Isn’t that an impressive list? And it’s by no means exhaustive. Imagine the satisfaction of being able to treat a painful ear in the middle of the night. No one wants to be dragged out of bed for an endless wait in hospital, only to be given a drug which may knock you out, but leaves you feeling drugged in the morning and hasn’t resolved the cause, anyway.

Homeopathic remedies only work if you have selected the right one for the job. If you have selected the wrong one, nothing happens. You can’t do yourself any harm.

Isn’t that just a fabulous concept? If you get the wrong remedy nothing happens, if you select the right remedy, the problem just melts away. It’s as if it was never there. Newbies to homeopathy can be forgiven for feeling that - did I really have that pain? - because there are no after effects.

So how do you know which remedy to select for which problem?

Well, apart from the instructions which come with every kit, there are books you can purchase. I love books and learn a lot from them. But sometimes it’s nice to have a person to chat to, or a personal view, or an anecdote to relate to.

Subscribing to a regular eletter will keep you plugged in to thinking in the way you need to. Believe me, using homeopathic remedies is not like using typical over-the-counter drugs. You do need to know a bit.

And I can guarantee you won’t always make the right choice, you won’t always be able to make a difference. But the feeling of elation when you do is worth all the waiting,

I well remember my first success story. It was when I was a homeopathic student. One of my cats became ill and stopped eating. A veterinarian diagnosed kidney failure and gave her, in effect, a death sentence.

I dug out my newly purchased box of homeopathic remedies and a book I’d recently bought. It only took me about five minutes to reach a conclusion. I’ll never forget what happened after I gave her just one dose. She walked into the kitchen, demanding food! Was that sweet or what?

She lived another three, healthy years after that.