Any wound dressing is normally considered essential to promote healing. It is felt that the wound must be shielded from the risk of infection.
But in reality, this may not be necessary.
Healing is all about how healthy your immune system is. If it isn’t very healthy, then it’s likely that you will not be very effective at any healing. You may get a fever or an infection.
Those with a healthy immune system rarely get sick. Their immunity works so quickly, they don’t notice any problem. Wounds heal fast and rarely give trouble.
Wounds are also best left exposed to the open air. They are normally covered over with some wound dressing, to prevent infection. But if your immune system is in good shape, you won’t get an infection.
If your immune system is not so healthy, then you can stimulate it to prevent infection.
By using a homeopathic medicine which has strong properties of wound healing, and you experience benefit from taking it, then you can rest easy that all will be well.
Let me give you an example.
Some years ago, my mare had a fight with a fence. She came off worst. She tore the flesh around a back joint, to the extent I could see the bone. A little spurt of arterial blood shot heavenwards.
She only received homeopathic treatment. I treated her with the medicines internally, to stimulate her immune system into healing. And I sprayed diluted herbal tinctures, topically, on the wound to promote healing.
At no time did I consider the use of a wound dressing, even though she was lying down a lot, and getting soil into the wound. I knew her treatment would resolve the problem. And it did.
There is no residue of lameness, no residue of any problem related to muscle, tendon or ligament damage. Just a small scar is left.
One of the medicines she received both topically and orally, was Calendula. This is a remarkable homeopathic medicine with strong healing properties for any wound. It can promote healing, prevent infection, promote healthy granulations and resolve pain. Not one I would consider being without.