Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Swine Flu Prevention - Affordable and Natural

Swine flu prevention can be easy and inexpensive, both in monetary terms and in terms of time off work because of the flu.

The swine flu is simply a slight variation of normal seasonal flu. But all seasonal flus vary. So there’s is really no difference between swine flu and ordinary flu. With no difference in death rates, either.

I don’t know about you, but I love the winter. Maybe that’s because I’ve spent a few winters in the UK. You know all about cold in Scotland - the horizontal snow blizzards, toes you can’t feel, frozen car locks and windscreens, only a few hours of daylight and even then there’s no warmth in the sun.

No, give me southern Australian winters any day. The nights are cold enough to enjoy a fire, the days are often sunny and we only lose a couple of hours or so day light.

But even here, we tend to suffer from winter ailments. Apart from coughing and sneezing all over our loved ones, we can feel terrible from body aches and fatigue,

And time off work is great if you have an understanding boss, but mums cannot take time off child care and we know that not all bosses are understanding.

If you been looking for swine flu prevention that is natural, effective and doesn’t cost the earth you’re in the right place.

You may never have heard of homeopathy.
That is absolutely OK.

You may think homeopathy doesn’t work.
You don’t have to believe in it, for it to work.

You may have tried homeopathy in the past and it didn’t work for you, so why would you try it another time?
Do things in life always work for you?

They don’t for me. When things don’t work for me, I figure I have just got to find out a bit more.
Which is what I’m now doing for you, so you don’t have to go searching.

No, I’m not going to bore you with diet (although that is extremely important and you should make sure you eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies....and cut out the junk food......and drink plenty.....no, NOT canned or soft drinks....and keep the sugar down.....and.....).

I’m not even going to bore you with exercise and sunlight (although these are just as essential to swine flu prevention). You might not be too impressed if I suggested you go for a half hour jog, when you feel like death warmed up.

Just make sure you do get outside doing some form of exercise every day during the winter (and summer, come to that).

You may recall all the media attention on bird flu, that flus originate from birds, so it is no surprise to find that....

Many years ago, French homeopaths developed a homoeopathic remedy called Anas barb made from the internal organs of the Barberry duck. It’s also called Oscillococcinum, or Oscillo for short.

Unusual for homeopathy, it’s only available in a 200c potency (or strength).

Dosage size is one pillule (very small pills). Instruction on the bottle may say more, which is fine.

Dosage frequency is once a fortnight as winter approaches and all through the winter.

And if you feel a cold coming on, take it more often. How often? Well that depends on the severity of the symptoms and your susceptibility to colds. The golden rule, is to dose when you feel you’re going down and stop when you’re coming up. And that can be hours or days apart.

However, don’t keep taking it if you don’t feel any benefit after a few doses.

In the unlikely event that it does you no good, neither will it do you harm.

You can obtain it from any homoeopathic pharmacy or health shop or pharmacist who sell a range of homoeopathic remedies. Alternatively, you can purchase it from many homeopaths.

Using this swine flu prevention, you’ll not run the potential of side effects, neurological damage or even a mild dose of the flu.

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