Sunday, January 23, 2011

Affording Homeopathic Health Care

I receive many emails from people who can’t afford homeopathic treatment, either for themselves or for their pets. Whilst I fully sympathise with them, they need to contact their MP or government representative about this.

In most countries, homeopathic treatment is not available on the public health system, so you have to pay for it. In Australia, if you have private health cover, depending on the level of cover, you can claim some of the costs back.

So the more people who ask for changes at a government level, the more likely it is to happen.

Some homeopaths offer free clinics, as do some homeopathic colleges. Often the free clinics are new graduates gaining experience. Colleges offer consultations with students under supervision, just as in teaching hospitals.

From your point of view, you need to understand the process of finding the medicine that will most benefit you. This is very different from the information a doctor or veterinarian needs to arrive at which antibiotic to give.

Homeopathic consultations take upwards of one hour to conduct. I often take one and a half to two hours. The reason is that you are unique. Homeopaths do not lump you in the same group as everyone one else who has the same strain of bacterial infection. Instead, we need to discover who you are, what makes you tick, your core, if you like.

This is difficult to comprehend when you are new to homeopathy. But it means that when the right medicine is found, you will improve immeasurably on many levels.

Let me give myself as an example. I have been in practice for 10 years. I have treated myself on an acute basis over this time, quite well. Acute health problems are those short lived ailments such as headaches, fevers, colds, flus, period pains, etc.

Homeopathic home prescribing is all about teaching you how to prescribe for an acute condition. This can help you incredibly well. And empower you. And I am all for that.

However, all acute conditions stem from an underlying chronic imbalance. And this you cannot treat yourself. Neither can professional homeopaths treat this themselves.

Last year I finally consulted a homeopath when I couldn’t get on top of a long standing flu. Within days of starting on the medicine I had much more energy. I have amazed myself in what I have achieved in the last couple of months. I may no longer be a spring chicken, but I’m fast recapturing the energy of one. And the flu went very quickly.

The first few (about three or four) consultations are the key to finding the right medicine for you. Once this is found, you can cruise for months, even years, without more than a quick check in to confirm everything is going in the right direction.

It’s well worth saving for this. It’s well worth letting other, non-essential expenses go as this can be the turning point of your life. This can be the start of when things go ‘your’ way.

Good homeopathic treatment is about so much more than your physical ailments. It’s about restoring an inner imbalance, so things start to go right for you. Life ceases to be a struggle. Life becomes easy, a joy. It’s not uncommon for the chronically unemployed to get a job, for the loyal employee being made redundant to be offered a better job, for the vindictive spouse suddenly sharing more in the divorce settlement.

Disease can be a great way to get you on the right path of life.

I offer Skype/telephone consultations worldwide for both people and animals. For more information please click here