Sunday, March 28, 2010

Treating Your Oedema is Simply Recognising Your Unique Symptom Picture

Oedema basically means a swelling. Swellings come in all shapes and sizes, so before we look at appropriate treatment, we need to look at your particular symptom picture.

Since I’m not with you to ask, I’m going to present a common picture. If this looks like your condition, then the following treatment is probably going to be good for you.

So the oedema this article is all about looks like this:

  • there maybe a pain which is stinging or burning
  • the swelling is rosy red in colour
  • the swelling is tight, hard
  • when you put something cold on the swelling, you feel relief, whereas something hot is worse

When you learn to use homeopathic medicines at home, there are many things you can’t treat as they are either too complicated or too deep. But you can learn to treat a lot of acute, and sometimes deeper conditions.

All you need to do is to learn how to look for your particular symptom picture. You are unique, so it stands to reason that your most effective medicine isn’t going to be good for everyone else with the same condition.

If the above symptom picture looks like yours, then the homeopathic medicine Apis, is likely to be effective for your condition. And if you can see a similarity in the following symptoms, then that confirms it.

  • your are generally thirstless, you have to make yourself drink
  • you seem to be a bit clumsy, often dropping things
  • you seem to be busy all the time, but don’t necessarily achieve much
  • you may be a slightly jealous person - of your partner your child, your sibling, anyone (you need to be very honest with yourself to see this trait)

If any of this rings true for you then the homeopathic medicine Apis is likely to very effective in dealing with your oedema, where ever it is.