Sunday, July 3, 2011

Is Life in the Fast Lane Healthy?

Most people have some sort of goal in life, but they tend to be in a hurry to get there. They forget that the journey is as important, if not more important, than the destination.

I suggest the journey of life is far more important than the destination, as the long term destination is death. Granted, the goal gets you started. But then you need to enjoy the journey’s messages, to fully participate in life. And maybe shift your goal, as you learn and grow more.

In today’s unhealthy and unconscious world, everyone is in a great hurry to get ... where? If work makes such demands on you, are you in the right job or type of work? If there is no time to ‘sit and stare’, are you missing out on the reason for living?

Becoming distracted by seemingly important, but physical dramas, takes us away from the bigger picture of life.

In terms of health, a quick fix is searched for, rather than taking the time to examine why you may be experiencing this illness, what it might mean, on a deep level. But is a quick fix making things worse in the long term? Suppression denies the body its innate ability to heal itself. It prevents your growth. It creates disharmony in both your micro world, as well as the greater world.

Your body has infinite wisdom and intelligence. If you are not paying attention, it will often make you, by creating a scenario where you have no other option, such as an accident or a spell in hospital, or worse, prison. Nothing is random.

To avoid these extremes, look upon your body as your experienced and infinitely wise mentor. It only wants the best for you. Learn to listen to this, rather than ‘expert’ outsiders (including me), who may have a hidden agenda.

In a frantically and insanely busy world, if you don’t take time out to stop and listen to both your body and your internal wisdom, then it becomes impossible not to avoid serious consequences. These are wake up calls.

To avoid them, simply make time each day, to quieten your mind (shutting up that incessant chatter) and ‘sit and stare’. It may only for be a couple of minutes a day, but these moments will improve your life immeasurably. When waiting for a bus or train give the pattern on the pavement your full and undivided attention. Before falling asleep at night, listen to the silence. When waiting to pick up the kids, fully focus on a flower. There are many times, even in a busy schedule, when you can take a few minutes out to empty your mind.

It is only when your mind is quiet that your inner wisdom can emerge. This is not only true for you and your health. It will help you hear what your animal is trying to tell you and how you could improve your life situation, whatever that is.

Homeopathic treatment is not a quick fix. It will act according to what is necessary for you at that moment. This may not be where you think you should be going. Only later, often much later, can you see the wisdom.

Homeopathic treatment will take you another step on your evolutionary journey. That may be slowing you down. Or speeding you up. Making you more aware. Or less aware. It make increase your degree of sensitivity. Or decrease it. It may dissolve your inappropriate anger. Or it may support your hitherto inability to be angry in certain situations that support your growth.

An analogy could be your computer breaking down just before you need to send in an important assignment. By focussing on what you need to do now (find a computer repairer), you will get to your destination, just maybe a bit late. In the meantime, you can justify having coffee with a friend, walking in the park, relaxing on the beach. Worrying about it will make you stressful and won’t achieve anything else. In fact, by hassling the repairer, it may take longer.

Enjoy the journey. Listen to your body. Stay in the present moment.

I'm not very politically minded. There is good and bad on both sides. But I do love freedom of choice, so I am very supportive of WikiLeaks.

I offer Skype consultations worldwide for both people and animals.

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