Sunday, December 27, 2009

Non Toxic Head Lice Treatment

Traditional head lice treatment generally means a visit to your GP or pharmacist, purchasing a toxic chemical killer and applying this noxious substance to your cherished child’s head. With unknown consequences to the absorbed toxins.

Frequently, the lice remain.

Great. Now you’ve wasted your time, wasted your money, increased your child’s load of toxins and you’re back where you started.

Other kids at the school, don’t seem to be getting very much further either. So, of course, they all re-infect each other. It seems an endless cycle.

How can you effectively deal with your child’s problem without using a harsh chemical? Is it even possible?

The homeopathic medicine Staphysagria is a great and effective way to eliminate lice. Naturally. Without side effects. Without increasing their toxic load.

The medicine is taken orally (in the mouth). This alters your child’s skin, to become unattractive to head lice. This means they leave in their droves. It also means that your child will not be re-infected by contact with other children who are still affected.

Depending on the potency (strength) of the medicine, which is indicated by the number which follows the name, several doses will be needed. Instructions will be on the bottle, but as a general guide, dose once or two a day for about a week.

One or two repetitions may be necessary at subsequent times, but that should be the end of your worries. At least for this condition.

Head lice treatment using homeopathic medicines is safe, non toxic and effective. Whilst Staphysagria is the most common medicine for effectively dealing with head lice, it isn’t the only one.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter always using hairspray and after a few months she complained that her scalp became itchy...i think it’s the head lice attacking her hair. I think it’s the kind of hair spray or hair spray can attract head? Is there any head lice treatment. My daughter always using hairspray and after a few months she complained that her scalp became thinks it’s the head lice attacking her hair. I think it’s the kind of hair spray or hair spray can attract head lice treatment ?
